Monday, December 05, 2011
Startup Season
Last year, none of my friends had startups. Now at least 5 do (forgive me if I forgot yours!). They're all in various stages of launch, some with great fanfare and others more quietly, but they're all cool projects, and I'm delighted to see them growing.
Aza Raskin's Massive Health is seeking to bring a design renaissance to the world of health, starting with an iPhone app that makes it fun to watch what you're eating (and what your friends are eating).
Gary Flake's Clipboard helps you collect all the bits and pieces scattered around the web, organize and share them.
Aseem Kishore's Thingdom invites you to connect and converse around the things in your life that you love.
Kai Gradert's Cheers seeks to brighten your life with praise for the wonderful people, places, and things in the world.
Robert Bailey's GAIN Fitness is a personal trainer in your pocket, ready at the drop of a hat.
Maybe my Fathom is a startup as well? Hard to say. At any rate, Happy Startup Season!

Aseem Kishore's Thingdom invites you to connect and converse around the things in your life that you love.

Maybe my Fathom is a startup as well? Hard to say. At any rate, Happy Startup Season!